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 Territorial Expansion of the Roman World

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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المساهمات : 507
العمر : 31
السٌّمعَة : 32
النقاط : : 55896
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/09/2009

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

مُساهمةموضوع: Territorial Expansion of the Roman World   Territorial Expansion of the Roman World I_icon_minitimeالسبت 15 مايو 2010, 21:07

Territorial Expansion of
the Roman World

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Bronze Celtic Lion
Courtesy of Barbarians on the Greek Periphery?
Origins of Celtic Art

Expansion during the
Roman Republic
(509 - 265 B.C.E.)

The Italian peninsula
inhabited principally by several native tribes before the Greeks settled

there and the Etruscans rose to prominence sometime after 800
B.C.E. The Greeks
founded several city-states in the south of the
peninsula and in Sicily, and the
Etruscans rose to power on the
western coast where they brought their culture to
the Latin peoples
settled in small villages along the Tiber River. Here, three
later, a prosperous urban centre called Rome would emerge. Rome
under the Etruscans but the Latin population resented sovereign
rule and joined with other indigenous tribes in a rebellion. The
of 509 B.C.E., which dethroned the Etruscan king and drove his people
Rome, marks the beginning of the Roman Republic that would see Rome
rise to
dominance around the Mediterranean. The Roman Republic
continued until 31 B.C.E.
when it was replaced by the Roman Empire
that would last well into the fifth
century C.E.

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A Topographical Map of Italy

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Greek Colonisation of the

650 B.C.E.
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The Rise of Rome

Beginning in 437
with the defeat and annexation of neighbouring towns, and over the
of the next two centuries, Rome gradually expanded its territory and
dominance over the peninsula. Even though Rome had a superior army, it
not immune to attack. In 390 B.C.E, Celts swept down from the Po River
and captured and sacked Rome. Recovering quickly from this defeat, Rome

went on to successful future campaigns and by 235 B.C.E., after
almost incessant
warfare with its neighbouring Etruscan and Italian
city-states, all of the
Italian peninsula south of the Po Valley was

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Roman and Carthaginian
Territories in the Mediterranean


Rome's successful
conquest of the Italian
peninsula created a strong military ethos and provided
the Roman
state with considerable manpower. When the unification of the
brought Rome into conflict with Carthage, a major power that
western Mediterranean trade from Northern Africa, Rome was inclined
enter into war. Rome built up a fleet and in the three Punic Wars
between 264
and 146 B.C.E., defeated the Carthaginian navy. From
Carthage, Rome acquired the
territories of Sicily, Sardinia,
Corsica, Spain and Numidia (modern Tunisia) and
extended its
dominance to all of the western Mediterranean.

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The Mediterranean after the
First Punic War

220 B.C.E.
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The Second Punic War

219-202 B.C.E.

Expansion into the
Mediterranean was achieved between 230 and 133 B.C.E. Initially, Rome
in the east to protect itself from possible threat and to protect the
city-states from territorial advances. Rome did not annex any territory
first, treating Greece and Asia Minor as protectorates, but when
the stability
of the Aegean was again threatened in 179 B.C.E.,
Rome changed its policy and
conquered Macedon. The Romans opted for
direct rule in the east in part because
successful warfare brought
vast riches for the state, and honour and power to
military leaders.
Complete Roman rule was established in the east in 133 B.C.E.
flourishing Asia Minor was bequeathed to Rome.

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Roman Domination of the

86 B.C.E.

success in its
territorial expansion can be credited to its military
superiority and to its
policy of absorbing conquered peoples. Rome
did not enforce absolute subjection,
for local governments,
traditions and laws were respected, and conquered
subjects were
encouraged to identify their well-being with Roman success. Rome
this by granting full rights of citizenship to its nearest neighbours,
partial citizenship or ally status to other subjects. All of Rome's
had to pay taxes and provide military service in wartime,
but it was understood
in these arrangements that partial citizenship
and ally status would eventually
result in full citizenship,
especially for those who became Romanized.

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Julius Caesar
of A Visual Compendium of Roman Emperors

Expansion during the
Roman Republic
(133 - 31 B.C.E.)

Military glory was
prized in Rome. Wars continued to be fought and the frontiers of the
World were gradually extended outward as a result. During the last
of the Republic, Roman generals won victories in northern
Africa and in southern
France, where upon a Roman colony was settled
in Narbonne and a road built to
link Italy with Spain. By 80
B.C.E., Syria was conquered and the province of
Asia was
established. After 66 B.C.E., additional territory was conquered
east where new provinces were founded and Jerusalem was conquered. In
where Roman expansion seemed problematic, client kingdoms were
In exchange for relative autonomy, these client states helped
the empire from foreign attack. At a later date, after years of living
Roman dominion, these client kingdoms would be easily incorporated into

the empire without a war having been waged. Between 58 and 50
B.C.E., Julius
Caesar defeated the Celtic Gauls, thus conquering a
large area corrsponding to
modern France and Belgium. Gaul would be
divided into four provinces:
Narbonensis, Aquitania, Belgica and
Lugdunensis. Caesar's campaigns spread Roman
language and
civilization far beyond the Italian peninsula.

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The Conquest of Gaul
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Rome after the Victory of

25 B.C.E.

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of A Visual Compendium of Roman Emperors

Expansion during the
Roman Empire
(31 B.C.E. - C.E. 180)

When the Roman
Republic came
to an end, the territorial frontiers of the Roman state were
defined, but Augustus, Rome's first emperor (r. 27 B.C.E. - C.E. 14),
campaigns that extended Roman influence to the natural
boundaries defined by
desert, sea, ocean and river. His armies
conquered all of North Africa, and
territory reaching as far east as
the Red Sea and the Black Sea, as far west as
the Atlantic and
north to the great rivers of central Europe: the Rhine and the
These rivers provided the northern frontier to the new provinces of
Noricum and Pannonia that today encompass Switzerland and Austria. To
east, the Danube provided the northern limit to the new provinces of
and Moesia that encompass parts of present-day Slovenia, Hungary and
The Rhine and the Danube, the northern frontier of the Roman World,
prove to be the fatal weak link in Rome's defences by the fifth
As early as C.E. 9, when attempting to make territorial
gains north of this
frontier, Augustus suffered the only defeat of
his many military campaigns;
German tribes annihilated three Roman
legions in the Teutoburg Forest in
northwestern Germany. Augustus,
now at the end of his reign, decided against
further expansion and
urged his successor to do the same.

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A Topographical Map of

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Rome at the time of the
Defeat at Teutoburg Forest

C.E. 8

advice was heeded for several years, the next century did
see the incorporation
of client kingdoms, and the successful
annexation of Britain in C.E. 43 and of
the Agri Decumates, a
triangle of territory at the junction of the Rhine and
frontiers, in C.E. 74. Not all was well within the empire, however, and
and uprisings within Roman provinces forced Rome to redirect some of
troops from the Rhine and Danube frontiers to the rebellious
areas. This move
left the northern frontiers ill-defended and open
to border raids. Rome
responded to this threat by strengthening the
frontier defences with additional

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Deployment of the Legions

C.E. 100

Under Emperor Trajan
(r. 98 -
117), the Roman state reached its greatest extent. Client kingdoms on
eastern frontier were incorporated and new provinces created. As well,
was conquered so as to distance hostile tribes from the
dangerous Danube
frontier. Emperor Hadrian (r. 117 - 138) opposed
territorial expansion but kept
the army at full strength, and built
fortified boundaries across Britain (known
thereafter as Hadrian's
Wall) and between the Rhine and Danube Rivers. His next
successors faced rebellions in many of the borderlands and terrible
against the frontiers. The Danube frontier collapsed and
Germanic invaders,
pressed on from behind by the southward migration
of other Germanic tribes,
crossed the northern provinces and raided
northern Italy. When the frontiers
were once again secure, some
invaders were settled along the Danube with land
grants in exchange
for military service in defence of the Empire's frontiers.

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Rome at its Greatest Extent,
during the Reign of Emperor

C.E. 116

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Detail from
Trajan's Column
Courtesy of ArtServe, the Australian National

Territorial Defence during the Late Roman Empire
180 - 476)

The third century
marks a clear reversal
as Rome's military policy became one of defence rather
territorial expansion. As the century progressed, the northern frontier
seriously weakened as it fell victim to the increasingly heavy
migration of
German tribes from northern Europe. The western and
eastern halves of the empire
were attacked by successive waves of
Goths, Vandals and Burgundians. Invaders
overwhelmed the frontiers,
and the borderlands were abandoned by the Roman
troops. Many regions
were lost to the invaders, and cities and towns were
pillaged or
destroyed in both the west and the east; Athens was taken and
in C.E. 267. During the late third and early fourth century centuries,
borders were strenghtened and the number of legions increased, but
efforts ultimately failed as wave after wave of Germanic
peoples invaded and
settled in western Europe in the fifth century.
Symbolic was the sack of Rome in
C.E. 410.

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Rome at the Height of the
Crisis of the Third Century

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 الموضوع الأصلي : Territorial Expansion of the Roman World 
المصدر :
مُنتَدَيَاتْ صُـوتــْ بَــلَــدْنََــا


eNg AhMeD



Territorial Expansion of the Roman World

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